This suggests that we have a very good chance of winning next year and of securing a respectable number of Borough Council seats on May 22nd this year. The LibDems, however, are using rhe results of the last Borough elections 2 years ago when UKIP were not yet a force to be reckoned with. These 2 year-old figures are in their latest Focus, which also accuses UKIP of "opposing improvements to local schools and wanting to axe support for the police"
- In fact UKIP say there aren't enough school places!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The LibDems seized on the fact that ONE UKIP county councillor - out of the 10 on the county council - voted with the Conservatives in one motion not to spend money on schools. The other 9 voted AGAINST
- With regard to "wanting to axe support for the police, again the opposite is true. This is what UKIP say:
NO, UKIP just want to save Eastleigh :Police Station. Keith House, LibDem leader, claims police officers only use it to sit drinking tea. What an insult to the police! However, on the streets a shopkeeper is murdered a man is robbed at knifepoint and homes are burgled. LibDes want to close the police station and use the "savings" to recruit more PCSOs. So, in LibDem speak, "UKIP saving the police station" means ""scrapping PCSOs." Unlike Keith House, UKIP values both the police station and PCSOs.