Friday 15 June 2012

Be a Smarter Driver and Save Money

Do you try to drive as economically as you can?

Like me, are you finding it increasingly expensive to afford a car, and are fuel prices driving you round the bend?

I always keep my onboard computer on the fuel consumption figure so I can ease up on my right foot and try to to brake as little as possible.  By reading the road ahead and keeping well back from the car ahead, you can avoid a lot of braking.

With this in mind, I was pleased to receive a leaflet from the DVLA when I received my car tax reminder.  This is what it says, in fact just reiterating what I've been doing for some time, but I thought you might find it helpful:

Be a Smarter Driver

Drive smoothly

Stop-go driving burns fuel.  Watch the cars ahead to avoid sharp acceleration and heavy braking.

Stay in Gear

Don't coast downhill or towards lights in nuetral as this usees more fuel.  Say in gear and ease off the gas gently to reduce fuel flow to the engine to virtually zero.

Watch the revs

Change up smoothly and change gear before 2,000rpm.  Drive in the right gear for the speed and road conditions.

Drive off from cold

Modern car don't need to be warmed up.  Switch on and go and you won't be wasting fuel.

Don't idle

Switch off if you're stationary for than an minute or two.  (This leaflet says) - Restarting the engine uses virtually no fuel until you press the accelerator.  (However, we were always told that keeping on stopping and starting the engine used a lot of fuel, but always to turn the engine off while waiting at a level crossing because that is for quite a long time).

Lighten the load

Dump extra weight - take off the roof rack when you're not using it and clear out the boot.

Plan ahead

Check the route and roadworks before leaving.  stop and ask for directions if you're lost.  Use satnav if you have it.

Take it easy

slow down.  You'll get to your destination safer and more relaxed.  Take the first parking place you find - and don't forget to reverse in!

1 comment:

  1. Stay in gear comment doesn't make sense. When in gear going down hill the car will obviously run at higher revs than when idling. Therefore it must use more fuel when in gear - surely?
    I am not advocating 'coasting' but not for that reason - it can be dangerous.
