Friday, 11 May 2012

LibDem Leaflets

Just before the election the LibDems put out a leaflet entitled Outrage, which made false allegations against the Conservatives - and this is what the leader of Hampshire County Council, Ken Thornber, said:
“I have been handed copies of electioneering literature being widely circulated across Eastleigh Borough that wrongly accuses the Conservative run Hampshire County Council of a number of things including, trying ‘to build 6.000 more houses around Hedge End and Botley’, “axing youth services”, “threatening Children Centres” and “cutting bus passes”. This is all totally untrue. The literature also wrongly accuses the County Council of wanting to sell land it does not own at Tan House Lane, Botley, for housing development.

These allegations are clearly being made in an attempt to mislead the electorate into voting for their candidates in the forthcoming Borough Elections and unless they immediately retract these statements and deliver these retractions to every household in the Borough that has received them before polling day, I shall have no alternative but to refer the matter to the Electoral Commission for their adjudication.
In fact, what happened was that these allegations were reiterated in further leaflets, thus hiding the true intentions of Eastleigh Council.

I pledge, as a local campaigner, that I'll fight against all these LibDem proposals that they've been hiding:

The building of 1,300 houses on North Stoneham Park, thus closing the strategic gap between Eastleigh and Southampton
  • Extending Sainsbury's onto the Recreation Ground
  • Building on Botley Park Golf Course
  • Moving the Civic Offices into the Centre - at a cost of £12m - and causing massive congestion, making parking much more difficult for visitors, thus causing the continued decline of the retail sector, with even more shops closing, and the possibility of the redevelopment of the existing site and part of Fleming Park. 
  • The purchase of the Rose bowl - now Aegeas Bowl - at a cost of over £30,000,000
  • Relocate the Household Waste Recycling Centre at Woodside Avenue to land off Stoneycroft Rise off Chestnut Avenue, which will affect the recently developed Freespace enjoyed by many hundreds of young people with its BMX track. Like the adjacent North Stoneham Park it is also in the Strategic Gap between Eastleigh and Southampton.
  • 1 comment:

    1. Michael - firstly I welcome that you are continuing to blog and campaign now the election is over. I am not a Conservative supporter, but recognise that politics in Eastleigh has been allowed to get very one sided, and I'm sure that your colleagues in Hedge End and Botley will welcome your support. And it will be interesting to see the Tory point of view online.

      Do you know if Cllr Thornber has referred the Lib Dems to the Electoral Commission yet? Does he really intend to do so, or was his threat just pre-election bluster?
