Thursday, 23 June 2016

Why I Voted to Leave the European Union

I used to think that the status quo would be better.

I liked the idea of an EU passport and driving licence and being able to share the same basic laws and freedoms, which gradually developed from the Common Market I voted for in 1975.  The idea of free trade across Europe appealed to me.  I have always said that we have a lot in common with our European neighbours and I have always enjoyed travelling around the continent.  In the '50s my best friend at school was a German which, would you believe, surprised some people.  

But what we have now is very different

However, that Common Market is developing into a bureaucratic superstate, where corruption is rife and its books have not been balanced for nineteen years running. Between 50% and 60% of all laws are made in Brussels and our MEPs have little influence as they are decided by unelected bureaucrats.
The argument is made that our House of Lords is also unelected, but bills can be returned to the House of Commons if they are defeated by the Lords.

The government made a "deal" with the EU - but it is not guaranteed.  The renegotiations have to be presented to the European parliament for approval - after we vote to stay in - so they could be rejected by 700 MEPs who don't particularly like us due to our hovering on the edges of the EU for years - after we have voted to Remain!!  Some new laws are deliberately being held back until after the Referendum; and the "emergency brake" on migrants' benefits expires after seven years.

Our Forces under EU  command

Under the 2009 Lisbon Treaty the EU is creating integrated European military forces - a 'common security and defence policy'. The EU Naval Force, EU Air Transport Command, EU  Military Staff, battle groups and rapid reaction forces already exist.  Generals Sir Michael Rose and Lord Guthrie, who were persuaded by 10 Downing Street to sign a 'better off in' letter with other defence chiefs, have now withdrawn, with the former saying he was coerced into doing so.

The EU is collapsing

Its Euro currency doesn't work, its borderless regime - the Schengen Agreement - is breaking up, the migrant crisis is overwhelming and European solidarity is coming to an end.  On 24th February Greece withdrew its ambassador from Austria.  The EU wants our weight and money to try and shore things up and prevent other countries from leaving. 

The EU-US trade agreement threatens the NHS

A trade agreement being negotiated in secret between the EU and the USA (TTIP) will open up the NHS to US corporations, who apparently be able to sue for access to our health services.

Turkey WILL be a member by 2025

David Cameron's policy has always been to admit Turkey as a member as soon as possible, although much of the country lies outside the continent of Europe and they don't share our culture or beliefs.  It is only now that he is running scared that he is saying that they won't join until the year 3000! The next seven states to join the EU will be ~Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Turkey. Turkey has been fast-tracked and will get visa-free access to the EU from this year. Citizens of all these states will have the right to settle in the UK.

A Southampton to be built every year

If we remain in the EU it will be necessary to build a new town the size of Southampton to accommodate the immigrants.  And it is inevitable that it will get worse due to the admittance of even more countries.

I am not opposed to immigration; in fact I'm pleased to say that I am married to one.  However, the policy of an Australian or Canadian style points system is much fairer.  Various Indian doctors have told me that they are unable to stay in the UK because of preference given to unqualified immigrants from Eastern Europe. We are thus losing staff from the NHS at  a time we can least afford to.  Government policy has endorsed EU rules by making it more difficult for non-EU students to study  here, thus badly affecting our  universities.


We shall continue to trade freely with Europe and the World

It won't take 'years' to negotiate a trade agreement with the EU. We are their most valuable customer. As a former CBI chief said, we could have all the trade deals we need "within 48 hours". 
The love affair between David Cameron and Angela Merkel might be souring, but we Brits can't get enough of German goods - the UK has just recorded its largest ever trade deficit with Germany.
Germany has long been our largest trading partner, both in terms of exports and imports. But between August and September increased by £200m taking it to an all-time high of £4.9bn.

We shall stop 'free movement' and control our borders fairly

We can save billions of pounds to fund the NHS

Our food will be cheaper

The Eu makes our food about £45 per month more expensive for the average family, according to the IEA. Professor Patrick Minford of Cardiff University predicts that food prices would fall 8% "on day one" after Brexit.  Also, the EU is considering VAT on our food, medicines and children's clothes.  We should also be able to recover our fisheries and save millions of fish having to be dumped at sea because of EU rules, although this is supposed to be coming to an end by the end of this decade.  However, being able to fish in our own territorial waters can only happen if we leave the EU.

So let's be on the safe side - outside the EU.

The EU failed in Yugoslavia, provoked a war in Ukraine, can't control its borders or manage the migrant crisis.  Security experts say the reason a Paris-style terrorist attack hasn't occurred in the UK yet is because we are an island and can police our borders - up to a point. We have the best secxurity and intelligence services in Europe by far.


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