Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Hamble Airfield Gravel Extraction

The LibDem candidate Mike Thornton, has said that the Conservatives want to extract gravel from the Hamble Airfield site, but that the LibDems are fighting to preserve greenfield sites.  However, Maria Hutchings has campaigned against the County Council's plans for the gravel extraction.

This is the official response from Hampshire County Councillor Colin Davidovitz:

The Hampshire Mineral and Waste Plan which identifies part of the Hamble Airfield site for gravel extraction was drawn up by officers of the three Major Hampshire Authorities and were endorsed by the Liberal Democrat Run Portsmouth City Council, the Labour Run Southampton City Council and the Conservative run Hampshire  Council in conformity with the requirement that minerals should be extracted as close as possible to the building developments they are intended to supply. Eastleigh Borough Council is preparing plans for the development of 9600 houses, half of them on  significant large developments on what is left of our  green field sites in the Borough.

Is this protecting our greenfield sites?  

I wrote this on 29th May 2012 about Stoneham Park:

Following on from my last blog, it appears that people just don't realise that it is LibDem run Eastleigh Borough Council that wants to concrete over this local beauty spot.  And they actually voted for this to be concreted over just a few weeks ago!!!!

The consequences will be enormous:
  • It will remove the strategic gap between Eastleigh and Southampton.
  • If this happens, Southampton will develop from the other direction. 
  • It will place an enormous strain on local services which are already struggling to cope with the Pirelli development; and the Prysmium development will also be competing for these services.
  • It will cause a massive increase in traffic in Chestnut Avenue.
  • There already insufficient open spaces in Eastleigh.
  • It will remove local heritage for our posterity.
On Saturday, I took part in a walk - above - around North Stoneham Park and we aim to make a lot more noise in the future about this as trhe development must not be allowed to happen.

Maria Hutchings has campaigned tirelessly to protect Stoneham Park and all inappropriate development in our Borough, and has been commended by Pat Ford, the leader of Save Stoneham Park.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michael,

    My name's Tiffany, I'm contcting you from the Sunday Politics South. We’re putting together a by-election special programme this Sunday 24th February from The Point in Eastleigh and wanted to invite you to be part of the audience where they may be able to ask a question to the panel, which will consist of the Conservative, Labour, UKIP and Liberal Democrat candidates.

    We would need you between 10.15 and 12.15. The programme will be broadcast live from 11-12 so we ask that people arrive before we go on air and they will be able to leave soon after we come off.

    Please contact me on tiffany.evans@bbc.co.uk or 02380 374204 if you would like to take part.

    Best wishes,

