Monday, 18 February 2013

John O'Farrell - Disappointment that Mrs Thatcher didn't die in Brighton bomb blast

Fury over 'moral reprobate' Labour candidate who wrote of disappointment that Mrs Thatcher didn't die in the Brighton bomb blast
From Mail Online
The Labour candidate in the crucial Eastleigh by-election said he wished Margaret Thatcher had been murdered in the IRA attack on Brighton’s Grand Hotel.
Left-winger John O’Farrell felt  a ‘surge of excitement’ when he heard of the attempted assassination in 1984 and was ‘disappointed’ the terrorists failed.
He asked himself repeatedly: ‘Why did she have to leave the bathroom two minutes earlier?’ The bathroom of Lady Thatcher’s suite was wrecked in the explosion. She had been in it shortly before the bomb went off.

Writing about Lady Thatcher, Mr O’Farrell said: ‘I would invent all sorts of elaborate scenarios whereby she would cease to be Prime Minister of Britain. Some involved a sombre deputation from the 1922 Committee  [of Tory MPs] and others involved me popping up with a machine-gun at the Conservative Party Conference. 
‘In October 1984, when the Brighton bomb went off,  I felt a surge of excitement at the nearness of her demise and yet disappointment that such a chance had been missed. 
'This was me – the pacifist, anti-capital punishment, anti-IRA liberal – wishing that they had got her. “Why did she have to leave the bathroom two minutes earlier?”  I asked myself over and over again.’

In the same book, published in 1998,  Mr O’Farrell made a similarly provocative statement on calls for Lady Thatcher to be given a state funeral. 
‘It would be far more appropriate to allow competitive bids from private companies to run the funeral arrangements: “And we now go over live to Westminster, where .  .  . we see the coffin respectfully borne on the shoulders of six part-time burger-flippers .  .  . before the private cremation when the body will be flame-grilled with gherkins and a slice of cheese.” Now that’s a funeral I would turn out for.’
'I would invent all sorts of elaborate scenarios whereby she would cease to be Prime Minister of Britain'
Five people died in the bomb attack, including Tory MP Sir Anthony Berry and Roberta Wakeham, wife of Tory Cabinet Minister Lord Wakeham.
Lord Tebbit told The Mail on Sunday: ‘Ed Miliband should repudiate this incontinently voiced moral reprobate who  tries to excuse murder as a weapon against those who won democratic elections time after time against the rag-bag remnants of a once great  Labour Party.’
Mr O’Farrell also  said he wished Lady Thatcher had lost the Falklands War in 1982,  in which 255 British servicemen died.  ‘I settle on the uncomfortable and convoluted position of wanting Great Britain  to lose the war for the good of Great Britain.  I was against the war, against people’s reaction to the war, even against the outcome of the war.’
A Labour Party spokesman said: ‘John made these comments many years ago and of course does not condone  or wish harm on anyone.’

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