Thursday 31 May 2012

7 Things You Need to Know about Men and Heart Disease

I saw this iu The Reader's Digest and thought it would be a good idea to share it:
Heart Diagram - British Heart Foundation
  1. Men are twice as likely as women to have a heart attack.
  2. Men who drink at least one can of sugar-sweetened drink per day increase their risk of heart disease by a fifth.
  3. Fat is not just a female issue - 42 percent of men are overweight as against 32 percent of women, raising their chances of coronary-artery disease.
  4. Men who have erection problems have twice the risk of a heart attack - it's an early sign that all's not well with the old ticker.  so don't be shy, go and see the doctor.
  5. Older men with low testosterone levels have a 38% higher chance of dying from heart disease.
  6. Men eat a third as much salt - which can raise blood pressure - as women, with both consuming over the daily recommended limit of 6g.
  7. Sitting down is bad for you.  Men who spend over ten hours a week in a car have an 82% higher risk of dying from heart disease than those who drive for under four.

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